hello stranger x)

welcome to a world where craziness and weirdness fit right in.
they're in perfect harmony.
a warning to readers though,
"you! yes you, do NOT own the world.
I DO!!!
i own HALF of it. you only own 1/8 of it.

BTW stranger

Don't judge a book by its cover. Ever.
A lil' piece of advice from me to you.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


what better way to spend the last day of baby January with your best friends watching sunrise?
haha. it was a total one-week-ahead plan which we didn't think would work
reasons? approval and the waking up problem. haha.
we woke up at 5 and got to the place. took some pictures to prove it.
i'll show them when you wanna see them.
im just posting some of the many photos. haha.
i woke daniel up but i think i pissed him off.
i wanted to wake nyee to watch it with me too but she off-ed her phone D=

10 second preparation for this
teddy tried taking it but faileddd :PP
i like that face >;D
we couldn't stand steven being so perasaan. xDD wanted to take helmet whack him! lmao!

it was a pretty great way to start the morning but i gotta say, it was really really cold ._. on the bike. haha
im looking forward to.. February, 
where hopefully, things start to change for the better.

1. i got into YE and i aimed for MD but i dont know if i got that post yet =S
2. i am one of the LGs in the library so got chance to get into the board of committee.
3. i am also one of the AJKs for maths club.
4. i am.. the vice president for police cadet? i train little cute juniors. haha.
5. i think i am one gila kuasa person. LMAO.
6. i think i need to start sorting out things & people.
7. i have a feeling i might fail my first exams ._.
8. i am still thinking about what confirmation names i should put.
 eg: Tasha __________ Lim Yi Chien. please fill in the blanks xDD
options: Constantine, Evangeline, Lucia, Raquel, Stella and Vera. tell me if you have more!
9. i think some "friends" need to be kicked at the balls or bitch-slapped.
10. i need to remind.
JO-NYEE, JOANNIE, NICOLE and.. JOANNE. i love you people :D
TEDDY and STEVEN, thanks for today!

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