hello stranger x)

welcome to a world where craziness and weirdness fit right in.
they're in perfect harmony.
a warning to readers though,
"you! yes you, do NOT own the world.
I DO!!!
i own HALF of it. you only own 1/8 of it.

BTW stranger

Don't judge a book by its cover. Ever.
A lil' piece of advice from me to you.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

i like being a Form 4

if only school uniforms were like these.
i like being a Form 4
yes i do. and you wanna know whyyyy?
even if you dont, im still telling. x)
its cause i get to take care of little juniors!
haha. although i hate kids, seriously =S
but i really had fun telling the Form 1 kids about the library.
they were so enthusiastic. and well, fresh! Lol.
i talk like they're food for a vampire like me.
although i kinda pitied the ones that followed Chia Huey..
she's too hardworking and detailed that i think they found her boring.
she's a really good librarian though =D

owh yes. classes have been tough.
i don't think i explained my class well.
my class, S4J is taking Accounts+ Science.
and that includes Bio and Chemi.
its really fun actually, if only they gave us more time!
I'm the monitor again for my class and Nicole's my assistant.
Joanne's the kebajikan person while SuJuan is Nilam.
Felicia's secretary while AanHui's treasurer.
and lastly, Liz is taking care of the cleanliness.
that's basically the AJK list.

as i was saying about classes, xDD *side-tracked pulak*
Maths is a bit confusing. I seriously CANNOT miss that class.
Add Maths selalu ada homework D=
Malay i boleh fahams.
English is a bit tough too.
Accounts is just awesome!
Bio and Chemi a bit boring..
and lastly, as much as i hate admitting it,
Chinese is getting my interest. A BIT!
maybe because of the way that teacher teaches. owh well.

other than that, im pretty much busy for the rest of the week from morning till night.
the only time you can actually text me is during midnight.
so NOW you know xDD

life's like that.


  1. Math difficult?? are you for real????
    Chem is d difficult subject here man...hahaha....
    Ask if u hv probs wif math n add math...i think i still have d info in my brain sumwer...Rofl... Chem is a no go for me..hehehe...Bio still ok..mandarin if its d adjectives den ok..but if proverbs go read urself... :) congrats on being monitor....hope u hv fun...try not to miss chem class..boring as it may b..it wil bite u if u don pay attention...

  2. haha yes math is sorta difficult x)
    chemi i will try to pay attention lar.
    both teachers for chemi and bio are new teachers..
    mandarin i can mia :D
    sujuan's sitting beside me anyway xDD
    and thanks! for the congrats and advice

