hello stranger x)

welcome to a world where craziness and weirdness fit right in.
they're in perfect harmony.
a warning to readers though,
"you! yes you, do NOT own the world.
I DO!!!
i own HALF of it. you only own 1/8 of it.

BTW stranger

Don't judge a book by its cover. Ever.
A lil' piece of advice from me to you.

Monday, January 4, 2010

1st day of Form4

so lemme give you guys the shorter version of what has happened today :D

this is how i feel like NOW.
the question is.. Why?

yeah well. i was late for stayback for librarian duty. haha.
after reaching there, the whole scene was just so hilarious.
librarians arent boring =S they do have their fun too!
my day, Monday, has the most efficient librarians *proud*
even Miss Chan says so. muahaha.

okay. so after all the fun at library, we had a break. went down.
and checked my Form 4 class. i ended up at S4J.
along with Nicole, Joanne and SuJuan! YEAHHH BABY!

we had a pretty much lame orientation at school until like what, 3 smtg?
damn bored when i was there. but thankfully, Kuro-chan nd the rest of BOCG were there =D
well, we're pretty much separated this year but hell, ill always remember them.
went down secretly TWICE with Nicole xDD just to try to get books.
owh owh! while i was doing so, i saw..
at my freaking school! does that mean,
a co-ed school is gonna happen? *wishes*
was so excited when i saw that. LOL.
Nicole couldn't control my excitement xDD

went to classes and well, classes were a bore!
the teachers, well, they're not exactly the ones i want.
my class, although its J, its a really good class!
cause we are actually the 2nd class for bidang dua.
so yeahh, we're awesome! but school gave not-so-good teachers =(

due to excessive books meant to be returned to various resources this morning,
and also, the new excercise books i bought from school.
gosh. my back aches now =S

had orchestra pratices after school and well,
MeiYoke says there'll be a Sectionals on Saturdays.

which practically explains why i feel like the kid from the picture!
looking forward to tomorrow though.
registering for Japanese classes x)
i hope it works out.

owh owh. I MADE IT INTO TOP 200 last year :D
for my last exams. HAHAHA. YEAHH BABY!
(currently addicted to saying "yeahh baby!" idk why D=)

well yeahh, im off to bed.
early no? x)

if thats the way its meant to be,
so be it.

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