hello stranger x)

welcome to a world where craziness and weirdness fit right in.
they're in perfect harmony.
a warning to readers though,
"you! yes you, do NOT own the world.
I DO!!!
i own HALF of it. you only own 1/8 of it.

BTW stranger

Don't judge a book by its cover. Ever.
A lil' piece of advice from me to you.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 Resolutions

okay yes. very random picture.
but i figured this was the only amusing one i could find for now x)
everyone had resolutions posted on their damn blogs.
well mostly everyone. haha. i figured i should post mine too.
though, they're kinda lame. and impossible. i try.

Tasha's 2010 Resolutions (sorta)
1. Get a hell lot thinner. if poss, reach 45 kg
2. Practice my music every week day night.
3.Read through the music dictionary if poss.
4.Get the yellow house team to be no.1 this year.
5.PCGHS police cadet to get a placing this year *prays*
6. Study at least an hour or so everyday.
7.Practice AddMaths everyday at least 2 full questions.
8. Get Jo-Nyee to come to my house at least ONCE.
9.Even though getting an A for chinese during SPM is impossible, try to study for a B.
10. Collect Darren Shan books.
11. Collect SS501's main albums finish.
12.Master the basics of Japanese and Korean languages.
13.Save up enough cash for trips during end of the year.
14. Get my own freaking laptop.
15. A whole set of new clothes.
16.Hang out with the gangs at least 10 times this year! (each gang)
17. Make over my room with decos'
18.Switch to DiGi
19.Get a boyf.
20.Making sure that my friendship ties with the besties forever prosper.

may these 20 things work out/come true!

you make me wonder too much.


  1. i think yur wishes will dreams come true,y i say so thats bcoz u form4 de u grow up bigger ler...next year is form5 de...u muzz work double hard working 4 yur chinese i will support u...waiting yur good news..cheers!ily 4ever sista!!

  2. haha i try la yenice x)
    hehe. you're my junior? ._.
    and thanks. i will! haha.


  3. this is Nick Watanabe-Kun here saying that 'I'm willing to fulfill your 19th wish.
