Apologies :3
Right. Nothing's much been going on except last night was concert night. FINALLY! i'm free on monday nights which is why I'm actually blogging right now. haha. so.. I think I'll tell you about last night's concert. Or.. What I've been sorta doing.Umm. Well. The concert was pretty interesting. haha. a tad bit out of tune but it was a blast. it was fun and not boring at all. At least they changed the pieces to be more lively ones.Caramel Cream =3
Dinner- Fried Rice.
well now, the next thing i'm waiting for is..
i cant wait for it. sorta. hahaits normally a very busy time for us chinese. xDD
its always been and hopefully this year's will run smoothly too!
homeworks and jobs are piling up!
i better be off with them.till then, take care fellow bloggers and readers!
a tad bit confused with everything.
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