hello stranger x)

welcome to a world where craziness and weirdness fit right in.
they're in perfect harmony.
a warning to readers though,
"you! yes you, do NOT own the world.
I DO!!!
i own HALF of it. you only own 1/8 of it.

BTW stranger

Don't judge a book by its cover. Ever.
A lil' piece of advice from me to you.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


what better way to spend the last day of baby January with your best friends watching sunrise?
haha. it was a total one-week-ahead plan which we didn't think would work
reasons? approval and the waking up problem. haha.
we woke up at 5 and got to the place. took some pictures to prove it.
i'll show them when you wanna see them.
im just posting some of the many photos. haha.
i woke daniel up but i think i pissed him off.
i wanted to wake nyee to watch it with me too but she off-ed her phone D=

10 second preparation for this
teddy tried taking it but faileddd :PP
i like that face >;D
we couldn't stand steven being so perasaan. xDD wanted to take helmet whack him! lmao!

it was a pretty great way to start the morning but i gotta say, it was really really cold ._. on the bike. haha
im looking forward to.. February, 
where hopefully, things start to change for the better.

1. i got into YE and i aimed for MD but i dont know if i got that post yet =S
2. i am one of the LGs in the library so got chance to get into the board of committee.
3. i am also one of the AJKs for maths club.
4. i am.. the vice president for police cadet? i train little cute juniors. haha.
5. i think i am one gila kuasa person. LMAO.
6. i think i need to start sorting out things & people.
7. i have a feeling i might fail my first exams ._.
8. i am still thinking about what confirmation names i should put.
 eg: Tasha __________ Lim Yi Chien. please fill in the blanks xDD
options: Constantine, Evangeline, Lucia, Raquel, Stella and Vera. tell me if you have more!
9. i think some "friends" need to be kicked at the balls or bitch-slapped.
10. i need to remind.
JO-NYEE, JOANNIE, NICOLE and.. JOANNE. i love you people :D
TEDDY and STEVEN, thanks for today!

삶이라는 바다를 헤매다 잃어버렸던 꿈들이
구석구석 녹아있는 책상서랍
그 속에 숨겨놓고 있던 너

Monday, January 25, 2010


As one can suspect, I've been either busy or lazy to update my blog.
Apologies :3
Right. Nothing's much been going on except last night was concert night. FINALLY! i'm free on monday nights which is why I'm actually blogging right now. haha. so.. I think I'll tell you about last night's concert. Or.. What I've been sorta doing.Umm. Well. The concert was pretty interesting. haha. a tad bit out of tune but it was a blast. it was fun and not boring at all. At least they changed the pieces to be more lively ones.

Caramel Cream =3

 Dinner- Fried Rice.
Also, it was Shimano's last concert. A bit sad but owh well :S right, Stefan was there yesterday! who was missing? CHEN SENG! YOU CAME BACK BUT YOU DIDNT COME! ISH.
well now, the next thing i'm waiting for is..
i cant wait for it. sorta. haha
its normally a very busy time for us chinese. xDD
its always been and hopefully this year's will run smoothly too!
homeworks and jobs are piling up!
i better be off with them.
till then, take care fellow bloggers and readers!

a tad bit confused with everything.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


this post is a lil' late. ive been busy with my grandma's death and stuff so yeah.
also, school has been well, depressing.
hey bitch? fuck you. hope you'll be happy there.

you're welcome.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Please Don't Leave

Hey Girl... You're my best friend. I've hated you at first and that's cause I didn't try to get to know you.
If I did then, things might be slightly different but I don't care.
The fact is that we know each other now and we're making full use of it.
For one whole year we were together and again, we got the chance this year.
Please don't leave.

Hey Girl... I know this all sounds ridiculous and maybe fake to you.
But I swear this is all coming from the bottom of my heart.
When I heard that you might be leaving, my heart ached.
You are one of the ones i trusted.
Please don't leave.

Hey Girl... Remember all those stupid jokes, dances and songs?
I still remember them even though we both know I have a horrible memory.
All those fun times we've had, I still remember.
All those important memories, I still cherish.
Please don't leave.

Hey Girl... I know I'm being selfish right now but I don't give a damn.
I'm not letting you leave us all behind, not a single one of us.
We still love you and hell yeah, we don't want you to go.
We might be Jokers all around but in reality, we're just humans.
Please don't leave.

Hey Girl... Please don't leave us.
I know its hard but we're all struggling.
We can make it through if we stick together.
It's the same last time, and it's the same thing now.
Please don't leave.

Hey Girl... Best friends are there for each other.
Through thick and thin, through tall and short.
Through heat and coldness, through it all and all.

sincerely, with tears flowing,
please don't leave.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

100th post

this is my 100th post.
be proud you're reading this x)
to celebrate this joyous event,
imma intro a video.

click the link below
and check out the video+song.

its seriously awesome.

Fall in Love- Tae Yang and Thelma Aoyoma

January Boy

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Heart's Missing A Lil' Piece

i had a talk. sorta. with Kuro-chan yesterday in her bus and as we talked, we came to a topic about BOCG.
Although we say we're fine. I say I'm fine with us being separated. The pain is shit still there.
I miss all of you guys. Even Kuro-chan says so. She herself, the cold heartless her, says
she misses US.
I mean come on, if she can say so, why won't you guys admit it?
The classes we're both in, we both have friends who were well, separated for a long time but still best friends.
But something isn't quite the same anymore.

I miss...
Kuro-chan and all her sarcastic remarks on me.
Su Jie always annoying with her pampered ways.
XinLin filling me with everyday gossip and food.
TzeStee always suddenly hugging me and giving me advices.
Brenda and all her stares.
and sometimes,
I still miss having Joanne sitting beside me.
and Nicole walking to me to poke me. 
although the both of them, are in my class.
I feel a lil' lost without the others.

So yeahh, maybe I'm just ranting.
Maybe this is just a phase I'm going through.
But guys, know that I will always love you all.
And you guys have a place both in my mind and heart.

it's funny how the world works.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

i like being a Form 4

if only school uniforms were like these.
i like being a Form 4
yes i do. and you wanna know whyyyy?
even if you dont, im still telling. x)
its cause i get to take care of little juniors!
haha. although i hate kids, seriously =S
but i really had fun telling the Form 1 kids about the library.
they were so enthusiastic. and well, fresh! Lol.
i talk like they're food for a vampire like me.
although i kinda pitied the ones that followed Chia Huey..
she's too hardworking and detailed that i think they found her boring.
she's a really good librarian though =D

owh yes. classes have been tough.
i don't think i explained my class well.
my class, S4J is taking Accounts+ Science.
and that includes Bio and Chemi.
its really fun actually, if only they gave us more time!
I'm the monitor again for my class and Nicole's my assistant.
Joanne's the kebajikan person while SuJuan is Nilam.
Felicia's secretary while AanHui's treasurer.
and lastly, Liz is taking care of the cleanliness.
that's basically the AJK list.

as i was saying about classes, xDD *side-tracked pulak*
Maths is a bit confusing. I seriously CANNOT miss that class.
Add Maths selalu ada homework D=
Malay i boleh fahams.
English is a bit tough too.
Accounts is just awesome!
Bio and Chemi a bit boring..
and lastly, as much as i hate admitting it,
Chinese is getting my interest. A BIT!
maybe because of the way that teacher teaches. owh well.

other than that, im pretty much busy for the rest of the week from morning till night.
the only time you can actually text me is during midnight.
so NOW you know xDD

life's like that.

Monday, January 4, 2010

1st day of Form4

so lemme give you guys the shorter version of what has happened today :D

this is how i feel like NOW.
the question is.. Why?

yeah well. i was late for stayback for librarian duty. haha.
after reaching there, the whole scene was just so hilarious.
librarians arent boring =S they do have their fun too!
my day, Monday, has the most efficient librarians *proud*
even Miss Chan says so. muahaha.

okay. so after all the fun at library, we had a break. went down.
and checked my Form 4 class. i ended up at S4J.
along with Nicole, Joanne and SuJuan! YEAHHH BABY!

we had a pretty much lame orientation at school until like what, 3 smtg?
damn bored when i was there. but thankfully, Kuro-chan nd the rest of BOCG were there =D
well, we're pretty much separated this year but hell, ill always remember them.
went down secretly TWICE with Nicole xDD just to try to get books.
owh owh! while i was doing so, i saw..
at my freaking school! does that mean,
a co-ed school is gonna happen? *wishes*
was so excited when i saw that. LOL.
Nicole couldn't control my excitement xDD

went to classes and well, classes were a bore!
the teachers, well, they're not exactly the ones i want.
my class, although its J, its a really good class!
cause we are actually the 2nd class for bidang dua.
so yeahh, we're awesome! but school gave not-so-good teachers =(

due to excessive books meant to be returned to various resources this morning,
and also, the new excercise books i bought from school.
gosh. my back aches now =S

had orchestra pratices after school and well,
MeiYoke says there'll be a Sectionals on Saturdays.

which practically explains why i feel like the kid from the picture!
looking forward to tomorrow though.
registering for Japanese classes x)
i hope it works out.

owh owh. I MADE IT INTO TOP 200 last year :D
for my last exams. HAHAHA. YEAHH BABY!
(currently addicted to saying "yeahh baby!" idk why D=)

well yeahh, im off to bed.
early no? x)

if thats the way its meant to be,
so be it.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

the eve of Form4

Lala-ness.ahh. credits to Nicole :P
i gotta say.. i like my blog. Lol. A lot. Maybe because of the white background.
I'm seriously a Black & White person. check out my closet and you'll know.
i figured i liked blogging. so i was thinking what to blog this time. and...

random facts about me now : D

meet Tasha 1.0 (sorry Teddy xDD)
1. she's like super perasaan compared to last time.
2. she's a bit more confident compared to last time.
3. she's making her own rules now.
4. she'll try to listen to others more often.
5. she'll try to be less straight-forward.
6. she'll strive for what she wants.
7. she's gonna stop being too nice to everyone.
8. she's gonna start being a bit more selfish.
9. she's gonna try to NOT be such a cheapo.
10.she's gonna do her best at being herself.

I'm picking up the pieces.

2010 Resolutions

okay yes. very random picture.
but i figured this was the only amusing one i could find for now x)
everyone had resolutions posted on their damn blogs.
well mostly everyone. haha. i figured i should post mine too.
though, they're kinda lame. and impossible. i try.

Tasha's 2010 Resolutions (sorta)
1. Get a hell lot thinner. if poss, reach 45 kg
2. Practice my music every week day night.
3.Read through the music dictionary if poss.
4.Get the yellow house team to be no.1 this year.
5.PCGHS police cadet to get a placing this year *prays*
6. Study at least an hour or so everyday.
7.Practice AddMaths everyday at least 2 full questions.
8. Get Jo-Nyee to come to my house at least ONCE.
9.Even though getting an A for chinese during SPM is impossible, try to study for a B.
10. Collect Darren Shan books.
11. Collect SS501's main albums finish.
12.Master the basics of Japanese and Korean languages.
13.Save up enough cash for trips during end of the year.
14. Get my own freaking laptop.
15. A whole set of new clothes.
16.Hang out with the gangs at least 10 times this year! (each gang)
17. Make over my room with decos'
18.Switch to DiGi
19.Get a boyf.
20.Making sure that my friendship ties with the besties forever prosper.

may these 20 things work out/come true!

you make me wonder too much.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


*looks horrible but whatever xDD*
Tasha Lim who was formerly a Hotlink/Maxis user is now a DiGi user x)
the number that you guys know/have is no longer under the service of Hotlink/Maxis but under DiGi now!
so all those idiots who complained because i was Hotlink/Maxis thats why expensive to msg,
should start filling me in with all that gossip you guys owe me :P

Teddy. Tasha. Jo-Nyee.
i love you guys from the bottom of my hearts.
you guys know the fugly sides of me and yet you guys still sayangs me.
i apreciate that. A LOT.
may our friendship last forever.

check out the idiot beside me.
he's Steven. xDD
haven't known him for long but he's one of my best guy friends dah :D
this is the only picture without the middle finger so yeah. xDD
he's another one who knows my fugly sides and still accepts me.
thanks papa :D

there are times when you just learn to accept things.

Friday, January 1, 2010


i like the numbers.
yes its a new year.
happy new years to all.

this blog.
is a place to vent my anger on.
and hopefully. there aint much.

hopefully, there will be loads and LOADS of happy memories to write here :D


everyone moves on.