this blog is exactly that.
Please go to
cause I'm sick of this one :)
Tasha G Lim
hello stranger x)
welcome to a world where craziness and weirdness fit right in.
they're in perfect harmony.
a warning to readers though,
"you! yes you, do NOT own the world.
I DO!!!
i own HALF of it. you only own 1/8 of it.
they're in perfect harmony.
a warning to readers though,
"you! yes you, do NOT own the world.
I DO!!!
i own HALF of it. you only own 1/8 of it.
BTW stranger
Don't judge a book by its cover. Ever.
A lil' piece of advice from me to you.
A lil' piece of advice from me to you.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
a gallery of photos
A picture says A thousand words.
I don't know how to express what I'm feeling now.Words as usual, I can do but,
do you really read each word?
Hence, I tried my best finding these pictures.
If you can make sense out of all these things,
I say you, HO LIAO!! haha :)It's a puzzle in puzzles :D
and that's all I'll say :)
its been a hell of a week.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Rose Petals
I was brought up in many ways.
Some good, some bad.
In some ways they were insane,
In some ways they were what made me sane,
But in the end, it was always the same.
It was all for me.
A few of them being,
"What's done is done."
"Trust no one but yourself."
"Think before making a move."
"The past can never be change."
"There's no point crying over spilt milk."
And most importantly, I'll remember this very one.
"You can always choose your friends,
But you can never choose your family."
If you've been through hell on earth,
I think I can relate in many ways or one.
If you told me people have backstabbed you,
I'd tell you to just stand right back up and fight.
If you had broke my heart in one way or another,
I'd mourn for the loss of both us.
If you said you were sorry,
I'd forgive you
but I won't forget.
I'm happy that you're gay.
I'm happy that I'm happy.
I've moved on knowing the fact that you're a bitch.
You've come to realised that too.
Should I give you a standing ovation?
You know I loved you,
Thats why I was super straight forward with you.
Since you've come to realised so many things,
And didn't do anything about them.
Good Luck with Your Life.
Due to the many ways I've been brought up.
You could say that my heart's a lil' fragile.
I won't put all the blame on my past.
Because I am proud of who I am.
Well back at you, I don't like you either.
Period, I might not even know you!
So who the hell cares?
My heart's like a rose flower.
It grows beautifully when watered.
The love and care shown by others is her strength to grow.
It sparkles and shines when in the sun.
The joy and happiness around her makes her happy.
It grows thorns and pricks its enemies.
The backstabbing, lies and deceit make her walls go up.
It sheds its leaves and petals when the wind blows.
It breaks and whiters just like the others.
When its all just too much, she falls down like everyone.
Because in the end,
She's just human.
The weekend shall be awesome.
10 more days.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
my nails are super super pretty now :D
i am off to Neverland with Joanne!
byebye people! :D
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I've gotten myself new gadgets!
Might sound Nerdy for each gadget. but damn,i love these babies of mine!
my new pair of headphones.
meet Black Star :)
the sound system is just awesomes i tells you!
and guess how much it was,
RM27.30 only.
this is my brand new set of compasses.
haha. its black, silver and red in colour!
a total combination of my three favourite colours :3
celebrated Merdeka countdown with the guys from Church.
mind you, i don't mix with all of those Church people. haha
seriously had random fun with them yesterday :)
i like last night. a lot. LOL.
a chance to get outta the house with friends was what i needed.
thanks! :)
a sidetracked memory:
I never knew things would end up this way.
Especially the fact that you were standing right there in front of me.
It was like a dream come true.
The sight of you takes my breath away and with that just one magical touch,
My whole world lit up.
If you were a teddy bear, I'd hug you all day.
If you were my revision book, I'd study you all day.
But guess what,
You're all those things and more, that's why I love you all the more.
The more I think about things,
The more I think that I'm not up for all these things.
You're too good to be true.
You're like a new clean white shirt just hanging on the railings,
And I'm that one black stain on you.
You love that stain so much that you don't bother being washed.
Although the stain loves being with you.
Sometimes she just has doubts.
Sometimes she just thinks too much.
And sometimes, she just wishes she could do more than be a black stain.
As the black stain stays longer on that white shirt,
She realises that she likes where she is and hopes he doesn't mind.
There are so many people who want to erase that black stain off the shirt.
One particular person is someone really worth admiring.
And that black stain almost gave up. And so did that person.
The white shirt caught in a dilemma, saved both the person and the black stain.
For now, the black stain can stay but what happens later on, nobody knows.
As they say, only time can tell.
And time will tell cause thats what both the black stain and the shirt have.
All the time in the world to be together and stay together.
I love you.
Loads and Loads
Sunday, August 29, 2010
is the bomb.
literally.totally made me wanna dance again.
i kept moving the music and beats during the movie. hahahaespecially loved this guy cause of his moves
damn, i wanna watch it again and again.
are you studying accounts?
cause if you are,then i bet you're going through the stress im going through!
im up so late to finish half of it.the documents and all.
she's helped me oh so much :)And B,
I loved Friday oh so much more!but more importantly,
I loves you more :)
your favourite blogger!
hope you guys are having the times of your life,
cause i know i am :)
ps: heading off to Times Square for the hunts! see you there!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Like time
Everything around you can change in an instant.
Especially the people you love.
Even the slightest remarks can change your mind
Eventually things start to change.
I'm not sure if the changes that are happening now,
are good or bad.
On Friends, Best Friends, Family and even You.
The list moves up and later moves down.
I'll just wait for something more significant to happen.
I'm feeling alright.
I'm just thinking a lot again.tash
ps: Mich, stay strong! ILY :)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
but who cares?
this party was awesomes!!
though i know its lat ;)your bday date is also one the most happiest dates of my life :)
ill tell you why some time else.haha!
i love youuuuuu
Sunday, August 8, 2010
it might sound a lil' weird
but hey,
would me saying
I Love You
sound a lil' too Cliché?tash
August 8th ♥
Friday, August 6, 2010
bottled up
like each bottle, they're three quarters full.
like each bottle, there's a reason why they're coloured so.
green for envy, orange for hatred, blue for sadness.
like each bottle, there's a reason why they're coloured so.
green for envy, orange for hatred, blue for sadness.
i envy the way you guys connect.
i envy the way you guys laugh.
i envy the way you guys dont have to worry about anything
i envy the way you guys can just be. you.
i hate it when you guys leave me alone.
i hate it when you guys act like its nothing.
i hate it when you guys treat me as nothing.
i hate it when you guys just do the things you do.
i get sad everytime i see history repeating itself.
i get sad everytime i see how you guys dont appreciate it.
i get sad everytime i realise just how small i mean to you.
i get sad everytime i notice how you guys actually think of me.
if i could do one thing right now.
i would have made sure that my heart was sealed.
so that i wouldnt have to get hurt and witness all that i have now.
silence is golden
Friday, July 23, 2010
you know this dude?
Jason Derulo.
Okay, i know his songs arent that awesome. but guess what,
but.. I..
didn't check my inbox and turns out, i missed the chance. haha.
what a bimbo-ish thing to have happened!!
anyways, updates!!!
As most of you know, it was the YE sales last weekend.
pictures i have very few but here goes,
only two! the rest i lazy wait! hahhaha
i went for church after that, had to take a photo of this!
so nerd no? HAHAHAH
i headed down to Bon Odori after that :D
damn different no? ;)
Sunday had lunch and movie ;)
lazy dah! im out!
Jason Derulo.
Okay, i know his songs arent that awesome. but guess what,
but.. I..
didn't check my inbox and turns out, i missed the chance. haha.
what a bimbo-ish thing to have happened!!
anyways, updates!!!
As most of you know, it was the YE sales last weekend.
pictures i have very few but here goes,
only two! the rest i lazy wait! hahhaha
i went for church after that, had to take a photo of this!
so nerd no? HAHAHAH
i headed down to Bon Odori after that :D
damn different no? ;)
Sunday had lunch and movie ;)
lazy dah! im out!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
After YE sales
life in school has been ridiculous. literally.
the homeworks are as high as mount everest itself! imagine that!!
ill do an update about stuff when i have the time
which will most probably be after exams.
you know, PCGHS third term exams are just two weeks away!
ridiculous i tell you! but it gives us time to prepare for the year-end-exam.
everything has its good and bads i guess.
ahh but just a lil side note laa,
my life is better now :)
well, sorta. tee-hee
the homeworks are as high as mount everest itself! imagine that!!
ill do an update about stuff when i have the time
which will most probably be after exams.
you know, PCGHS third term exams are just two weeks away!
ridiculous i tell you! but it gives us time to prepare for the year-end-exam.
everything has its good and bads i guess.
ahh but just a lil side note laa,
my life is better now :)
well, sorta. tee-hee
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
July 11th
So thats basically a video calling ya'll to head down to Queensbay to find us babes ;)
remember to look for us AND buy stuff from us this coming weekend!!
I am just the poser no? ;)
Yours truly, and the cute drummer! Alex Toff ;)
Francesco, the guitarist and yours truly ;)And finally, the man himself! Patrizio Buanne.
the man with a Wikipedia page!
hahahha xDD
he has an amazing voice!
btw, he can really sing. For real!
Lets not forget about Alan, the Saxaphonist. Whom I might say, is really just adorable :)
yours truly and the BFF, Rou Qing aka Kuro-chan
the BFFs who made up! Mich & Tash
This weeks is just plain awesome!
i love spending time with you
Saturday, July 10, 2010
an unexpected attack
I seriously have got to thank you for your honesty.
Cause without it, I wouldn't have known that I was such a bore in your eyes.
Cause now, I would get to use that precious time I spent worrying about us and spend it on other people who deserve it.
I love you Bitch cause wewere are BFFs/sisters, so when you told me you were bored of me, that was a sudden attack to me. It took some time to actually have it all sink into my head.
But hey, I should have known.
You tell me its a phase and yeah I'll believe you. You're going through things that I have been through. All those phases you are going through, I have been through them a long time ago. As they say, Been there, Done that.
I've been through hell. You might say I'm being dramatic as usual but you don't even know a single shit. You didn't know me back then. So all you can do, is either believe or just shut the fuck up.
You might be thinking that 'Omg. I told her I'm bored of her and she starts ranting about me. Then she goes on about herself again.'
My reply to that?
So what? This is my reply. And this is just how I am. And I tried being there for you.
Btw, you're reading my blog post. So who are you to even think that way?
Cause without it, I wouldn't have known that I was such a bore in your eyes.
Cause now, I would get to use that precious time I spent worrying about us and spend it on other people who deserve it.
I love you Bitch cause we
But hey, I should have known.
You tell me its a phase and yeah I'll believe you. You're going through things that I have been through. All those phases you are going through, I have been through them a long time ago. As they say, Been there, Done that.
I've been through hell. You might say I'm being dramatic as usual but you don't even know a single shit. You didn't know me back then. So all you can do, is either believe or just shut the fuck up.
You might be thinking that 'Omg. I told her I'm bored of her and she starts ranting about me. Then she goes on about herself again.'
My reply to that?
So what? This is my reply. And this is just how I am. And I tried being there for you.
Btw, you're reading my blog post. So who are you to even think that way?
You're on my turf.
ps: thanks to the T sisters and B.
If i can't help you,
how am I suppose to help others?
You're the sister I never had.
So now do you understand?
Its a slow paced game
Thursday, July 8, 2010
future hubby
please owh future bubbly hubby of mine,
please be as cute and romantic as them ;P
click the link and you'll understand :3
Watch the match at 2.30am till 4am.
Online/Study till 6am.
Get ready for school.
And off to school after that!
please be as cute and romantic as them ;P
click the link and you'll understand :3
Go Germany!
the plan :Mahjong/Online?
Watch the match at 2.30am till 4am.
Online/Study till 6am.
Get ready for school.
And off to school after that!
i just simply adore romance.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
the tech phailed me
one thing i fail very obviously in life is being a tech person.
i am a total failure when it comes to gadgets, internet/website stuff and even sometimes,
after reading Joannie's blog,
and going to her portfolio link,
i figured i HAD to learn how to create a portfolio for the many many random photographs i took which i personally like and want to share!
spot the moth =)
My favourite place for desserts
This is what I live for x)
You'll never forget the tastes ;)
you get the point now don't you? haha
I went through some photos I thought I could show you and realised,
most of them were about food!!
the nature ones are in another laptop i guess :s
owh well!
also, Joanne said about something to do with going online with the phone, for free?!
not WiFi but something to do with DiGi in fact.
HOW laa?
seriously. Being so blur with tech suddenly pisses me off.
i know i memang love the old fashion-ness of life but i think,
i need to get my butt going with the tech now too!
one thing i fail very obviously in life is being a tech person.
i am a total failure when it comes to gadgets, internet/website stuff and even sometimes,
my own camera!
gosh.after reading Joannie's blog,
and going to her portfolio link,
i figured i HAD to learn how to create a portfolio for the many many random photographs i took which i personally like and want to share!
spot the moth =)
My favourite place for desserts
This is what I live for x)
You'll never forget the tastes ;)
you get the point now don't you? haha
I went through some photos I thought I could show you and realised,
most of them were about food!!
the nature ones are in another laptop i guess :s
owh well!
also, Joanne said about something to do with going online with the phone, for free?!
not WiFi but something to do with DiGi in fact.
HOW laa?
seriously. Being so blur with tech suddenly pisses me off.
i know i memang love the old fashion-ness of life but i think,
i need to get my butt going with the tech now too!
photoshop how?
the very blur moments
ps: I've told you the truth. Now what will you do B? haha
Sunday, July 4, 2010
in the midst of hardship
if you're a Form 4 student this year,
you've probably heard of the title of this post.
I have been very lazy this week. Very tired from the past weeks workload.
I was quite okay then but this week, all that no-sleep-nonsense finally took its toll on me.
Iconstantly fell asleep in class and couldn't pay much attention.
Monday was the worst. My replies to everyone was so.. dead. LOL.
Exams are next month and the list is out already.
I figuredI might flunk this test due to the hectic schedule and laziness to study.
I can't really balance time now between studies and music, nor can I even find time to relax!
I wanted to put more colours in this post but I realised the last post was TOO colourful.
Hence, this is gonna be really plain =)
I wanna update pictures but its all in the other laptop. My apologies.
School had this Elocution thing and I totally woke the audience up with my booming voice. Well before that, when everyone heard my name that I was going in, everyone woke up instantly *proud* My name brings in such power laa. Haha. Well, I have to admit that I did not prepare at all so as soon as I got up there, I was ready to make a fool out of myself yet I did no such thing in the beginning until halfway through, I forgot my script. Joanne was at the side while K was at the far end cheering me on. Just then, I did the most unimaginable thing ever.. the Hinata fingers thing xDD
trust me when I say I did it without knowing it happened!
Although I did regret a little for not memorizing the script, I figured I wasn't really into the thing anyway.
It was tiring! Talking to them was like talking to a wall. LOL. Literally. They were too quiet to begin with :S
Owh well, it is the Library anyway. Joanne came to find me halfway through the thing. We vained xDD
I hardly attend. and I have good reasons for each and every time I've missed!
I sat with Germaine and the guys. The usual peeps I hang out with now and I totally adore them :3
Well, at least its better than some no-lifers.
Btw, I know of some people who aren't holy but act like they're children of God.The Chosen Ones.
FYI, you aren't. You can pretend all you want if front of your God and parents but you should damn well know that if you play with fire, you're gonna get burnt sooner or later =)
GERMANY scored at the 3rd minute!! it was Muller if I'm not mistaken. The second half came with 3 other goals from Germany. I was watching the match at Upper Penang Road. Haha. I so knew they were gonna kick some Argentinians ass! Go Germany! They're my last hope. Their next match would be against Spain. I hope Spain loses. Pfft.
On the side note,
Anybody going for the July 11th concert? Cause you'll see me there too! =)
Good luck to Kyle and his friends for the play tonight. Sorry I can't be there to support =(
On the brighter side,
You have never failed to be there for me and lend a hand =)
May your life start to prosper rightfully and
you've probably heard of the title of this post.
I just needed a title, hence, the title is so =)
I have been very lazy this week. Very tired from the past weeks workload.
I was quite okay then but this week, all that no-sleep-nonsense finally took its toll on me.
Monday was the worst. My replies to everyone was so.. dead. LOL.
Exams are next month and the list is out already.
I figured
I can't really balance time now between studies and music, nor can I even find time to relax!
I wanted to put more colours in this post but I realised the last post was TOO colourful.
Hence, this is gonna be really plain =)
I wanna update pictures but its all in the other laptop. My apologies.
recent events:
School had this Elocution thing and I totally woke the audience up with my booming voice. Well before that, when everyone heard my name that I was going in, everyone woke up instantly *proud* My name brings in such power laa. Haha. Well, I have to admit that I did not prepare at all so as soon as I got up there, I was ready to make a fool out of myself yet I did no such thing in the beginning until halfway through, I forgot my script. Joanne was at the side while K was at the far end cheering me on. Just then, I did the most unimaginable thing ever.. the Hinata fingers thing xDD
trust me when I say I did it without knowing it happened!
Although I did regret a little for not memorizing the script, I figured I wasn't really into the thing anyway.
So what I achieved that day, was what I deserved.
The Form 1s who passed the librarians test and were qualified as a Form 1 Librarian had a training camp.It was tiring! Talking to them was like talking to a wall. LOL. Literally. They were too quiet to begin with :S
Owh well, it is the Library anyway. Joanne came to find me halfway through the thing. We vained xDD
if you do know me well, I sat with Germaine and the guys. The usual peeps I hang out with now and I totally adore them :3
Well, at least its better than some no-lifers.
Btw, I know of some people who aren't holy but act like they're children of God.
FYI, you aren't. You can pretend all you want if front of your God and parents but you should damn well know that if you play with fire, you're gonna get burnt sooner or later =)
GERMANY scored at the 3rd minute!! it was Muller if I'm not mistaken. The second half came with 3 other goals from Germany. I was watching the match at Upper Penang Road. Haha. I so knew they were gonna kick some Argentinians ass! Go Germany! They're my last hope. Their next match would be against Spain. I hope Spain loses. Pfft.
On the side note,
If Germany wins, I win the bet Damian!
Anybody going for the July 11th concert? Cause you'll see me there too! =)
On the brighter side,
my awesome Godbrother whom I have known for about 7 years or so?You have never failed to be there for me and lend a hand =)
May your life start to prosper rightfully and
May all kinds of good things happen to you!
We'll celebrate the night away with the others!! :D
you can always rekindle an old flame.
Friday, June 25, 2010
if the GPRS system was no longer in English,
instead of saying turn left or turn right,
it would be:
uan toh chiu or uan jia chiu
haha. not hilarious enough?
what about this:
haha xD you have to try saying it out loud to get the joke ;)
happy with what i've gotten. gotta work harder for the year-end-exam though.
was kinda depressed about it but i kinda got over it later =)
school is school.
no difference except that now,
i lazy update the photos from the trip to perak ._.
i am so sorry. haha
but on the other side,
i'm going to Fed Ex tomorrow :D
also, Sunday is MS (my orchestra) mia concert.
Those interested please get your tickets from me at the price of rm30!
Venue is Komtar Auditorium A and it starts at 8pm =)
if you have any friends who are going to study in KDU
please ask them to buy a student grant from me at the price of RM1800.
the student grant is worth rm2000 so they can save rm200.
i seriously need the cash.
in Hokkien.
instead of saying turn left or turn right,
it would be:
uan toh chiu or uan jia chiu
what about this:
teng! tou cheng wu ang hui!
tau cheng wu ang che hui, gui liao ang che hui, uan toh chiu.
haha xD you have to try saying it out loud to get the joke ;)
results have been okay okay.
i have accepted the fact that not all are awesome but i'm still,happy with what i've gotten. gotta work harder for the year-end-exam though.
the interview was okay too i guess.
at first i hopefully, i got in *crosses fingers*
school is school.
no difference except that now,
we're bonding =)
i lazy update the photos from the trip to perak ._.
i am so sorry. haha
but on the other side,
i'm going to Fed Ex tomorrow :D
also, Sunday is MS (my orchestra) mia concert.
Those interested please get your tickets from me at the price of rm30!
Venue is Komtar Auditorium A and it starts at 8pm =)
if you have any friends who are going to study in KDU
please ask them to buy a student grant from me at the price of RM1800.
the student grant is worth rm2000 so they can save rm200.
i seriously need the cash.
please pass the word out! thanks!
wishes made on a wishing star
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
mid hols ended
and it was really awesome. sorta.
it just finished in a blink of an eye.
i'm off for an interview in 3 hours and 30 minutes or so.
wish me luck!
i'll update a long one soon i suppose after this week's concert =)
i wanna cry all day and night for you.
ps: i just found out about the new layout designer!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
May 30th
Teressa Lim
my eldest sister who never seems to grow old.
She looks like a kid,
She acts like a kid (at times),
but sadly, she doesn't think like a kid
She's so cool that you'd think she was a star.
A star so bright that it could blind you (literally)
She's as wise as an owl with really dark eyebags
A strong mind to face anything that comes her way
Sometimes I'm mad at you for scolding me and
Sometimes its just cause i tak syok you that your so awesome.
but honestly Jie, I love you just as much as you love me =)
Have a Happy Birthday!
with love,
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