hello stranger x)

welcome to a world where craziness and weirdness fit right in.
they're in perfect harmony.
a warning to readers though,
"you! yes you, do NOT own the world.
I DO!!!
i own HALF of it. you only own 1/8 of it.

BTW stranger

Don't judge a book by its cover. Ever.
A lil' piece of advice from me to you.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Raining Badminton part 2

yes nature speaks to me, be jealous :P
exams are overrrrr!!!
results i dread for them to come out.
ugh D=

part 2 =)

nicole was like,
change your shape chaangeeeeee

while i was trying to court the pretty flower there xDD
we really did go there to play badminton..
at the skating rink!
trust me, we were not the only oness xDD

like my sister had predicted,
it's gonna rain with you guys there.
it did rain so we ended up going home an hour or so later =(
we vained along the way back. hahaha
tried all sorts of poses and facial expressions xDD
nicole has them sexy legs no? XD
i tried playing the guitar :D
back to the carpark,
i saw these ridiculously cute signs. haha
read them :D

went for breakfast after that in the market,
and we saw an old man selling these

it says that if you eat these kinda frogs,
your pimples and stuff goes away.
its true, and thats why the old man was selling them for a high price!!!

well thats the end of it xDD
not much an ending ehh? :P


since exams are over,
i have loads of work to do in school again.
run here, run there, 
jump high, reach the sky.
it aint easy. haha

and while i was having my exams,
i didnt get much time to think/worry about some people.
its not bad you know?
i didnt have to bother about some people.

but since exams ARE over,
and it has to come to my attention of these some people.
that sometimes,
they just dont learn.

if you think you're so right.
if you think you're so pretty and all.
(that is, if you do think)
By all means,
and let them know how much of a 
pretty little angel you are.

i bet they'll be glad to vote you to be the next Miss Universe or something.
(as if)
But wait,
i just remembered,
you're too short! =O
aww.. SUCH a talent wasted.
too bad, so sad.

not only her laa,
there are some people too whom i do not like
because of the way they treat my friends.

like it or not,
my friends are awesome.
especially the supergirlfriends i have.
if you have a problem with them,
you have a problem with me.
and thats a promise from me to you.

watch out people.
you don't wanna mess with the wrong kind of people.

with that all said and done,
i think im happy.
back to watching korean shows =)

you don't even have the rights for it

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