hello stranger x)

welcome to a world where craziness and weirdness fit right in.
they're in perfect harmony.
a warning to readers though,
"you! yes you, do NOT own the world.
I DO!!!
i own HALF of it. you only own 1/8 of it.

BTW stranger

Don't judge a book by its cover. Ever.
A lil' piece of advice from me to you.

Friday, March 19, 2010

about BRATs

one word says it all.
i mean, in one day,
the hits for my blog has gone from 0 to 67
that's major improvement!

cant you feel this magic in the air?
it must've been the way we bonded.

so everyone in BRATs has written a post dedicated to each and every BRAT.
i decided i better write one before they hunt me!

so basically..
my mother was the woman who forced me to join this camp.
as my sisters had learnt quite a lot,
i had to too xDD
i sent in my application last minutely, 
and totally forgot about it until i got an email saying ive been accepted.
i felt so lazy then. lmao. thinking back,
im glad i listened to my mother!

from camp.
i met all kinds of people from all walks of life.
all types of people who were all different in colour! >P
and i gotta say. i like eveyrone i've met..
well.. except a few that Jasmine & I talked about xDD

first day when Taryn dropped me there,
i was so intimidated by everyone!
they were all so.. TALL and MATURED looking. 
looks can be SO deceiving lars.

i met

Kaelan, my dad- who became my group leader. i thought he had graduated already. who would've known that he was the same age as i was!

Claire, my mummy- who i thought was going to be very high-classed and all was superbly friendly and huggable!

Calson, my son- who i kept confused with Kaelan XD my bad but im not the only one! Calson can sing really really well ._.

Alex, my Big Brother- who is really fun and cute. haha. if only he was my real brother.

Tammy, my Godmother- who hugs and motivates me if i seemed like i was about to explode lmao

Jasmine, the love guru- who came up with all kinds of advices. haha its not crap believe me!
Choong Hou, the pig- who wouldnt get up from the bed even after being called a thousand times!
Eureka, the can- who had a really awesome radio voice. i would fall in love xD

Previna, my personal nanny- who totally adores me. tee-hee! i adore her too!
Stephanie, my neko-chan owner- i'm her cat, and she's my owner. simple as that x)
Yvonne, my crazy roommate- her alarms were from o2 jam. I FORGOT TO GET THEM FROM HER.
Trecia, my k-pop friend- totally in love with her TaeYang.
Kevin, the cute 16- same age as me but like me, doesn't look our age. hahah. so cute la he!
James, the perasaan case- if it wasn't for him, lame-ness wouldnt have been where it is now!
Aishah, the cool one- she has this really cool aura coming out from her all the time. i envy her!
Aishah, the lame one- her cold jokes seriously drives you nuts! xDD
Iza, the cheerleader- really pretty. and she has freaking nice long hair. totally envious!
Andrian, the serious one- we hardly saw him laugh xDD until then! tee-hee!
Hinmat, the smart one- a Singh never the less!
Sean, the King of Singhs'- haha. who knew he was the intern? meanie!
Kelvin, the prank-caller- who got so scarred after i replied him in Jap. HAHAHAHAH.
Keesh, the poem dude- damn dude, your poem touched us all x)
Angelyn, the pretty one- i seriously seriously cannot believe you're older than us by wow ._.
Amanda, the preppy one- she has a really really preppy side to herself! i so like hers!

Bao Ling, the one who opened up- she really is a darling. i hearts her.
LeAnn, the braces girl- she is so freaking cute i tell you. like seriously!
Veronica, the story writer- hope she's happy with the inspiration!

okay so i didnt really get a picture of everyone with me.
and if i miss out anyone,
im sorry D=
but hey,
here are some pics i had
all pics posted in this post were taken from Jasmine, DSLR!
i look seriously fair in this one no? x)
but personally i like looking this way!

till then
thanks to everyone who wished me luck for exams!

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