hello stranger x)

welcome to a world where craziness and weirdness fit right in.
they're in perfect harmony.
a warning to readers though,
"you! yes you, do NOT own the world.
I DO!!!
i own HALF of it. you only own 1/8 of it.

BTW stranger

Don't judge a book by its cover. Ever.
A lil' piece of advice from me to you.

Monday, August 31, 2009

till whenever

till whenever guys :P
so many choices. haha

ps: good luck to the PMR takers nd SPM takers for trials.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

27th of August

i did not study at all today.
i did but its like nothing went inside my head!if i dont study, my As will be saying their goodbyes to me ._.
if that happens!.. you'll see tasha burn!
cute pictures no? found them. but seriously saying, i mean what i say.
ill have to like, focus tomorrow. gahh.
here's an eye candy for everyone!

dont you just have to agree that they're hot?
but.. they ain't as hot as someone :P

if only you knew how i really felt :]
ps: nyee. i owe you. seriously tee-hee~

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

an inside joke

wanna be a part of it? hahaha.
you'll get it if you get this picture.tash
we could dominate the world.

the new playlist

just got it done today.
10 songs. 10 reasons.
i bet you know the first one as well as i do.

oh guys,
listen to the songs if you're bored.
pay attention to the lyrics if you want to :P

you're my new reason

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


7-5 activity today
spent the whole day at school for my police cadet meeting
was pretty fun even though i had to march
i gotta admit,
chung ling police cadet marching is super ho liao xD
4 of the guys came and taught us sikit sikit of their techniques
pretty cool but mehh, we got our own style too :D
we trained pumping -half pump and the bla stuff
i pretty much had fun scolding the juniors
haha even though we memang also got laugh like hell.
it seems that im funny over there xD
they see, they resist laughing, i see them resist laughing,
i laugh out loud, they laugh, then i scold 8D
thats the sad cyclee ahahaha
i have bruises on my right arm nd wounds on my left foot
the pain is more to my arm. crap mann. hurts. seriously.
came home, tried to sleep kinda slept but half awake
woke up then went for mee goreng! then main pool.
bla. i got skill but dont know how to use.
calvin cakap nak ajar..
so yeahh.
off i go


got pierced, got bruised but whats worse is
i got torned.

Monday, August 24, 2009

this kid.

this kid.
she just loves vaining.
haha. apparently after the comp thing,
totally got a lotta emo pictures.
which are just cool.
edited the background. cool no?
snobby-ness xD

Saturday, August 22, 2009

im sorry

im sorry for not passing that damned audition guys =[
sorry for letting you guys dowwwnn, didnt mean to

signing off

Thursday, August 20, 2009


you look back and wonder,
what happened between all of us?
some are still close like bees to the honey :P
while some are as distant as the earth is to the stars.
what changed? was it me or was it you?
enjoy whats left of us.
what was and what is.
this is our


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

days like.. today

days like today doesnt really make my day.
i dont know. im turning to be an emo kid again.
lol. this is somewhat bad. its like some disease.
passes here and there. i dont like mixing around that much nymores.
and lately, i find it hard to trust people.

peace out
a liar in disguise?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

its been awhile

hey people. tee-hee~ the phone's back but im not happy cause of that.
happy cause of other things. haha. so not telling you guys =P
merentas desa was today. me nd xinlin finished it together today.
we had each others back through out the whole thing.
the bond. the love. haha.

brenda was the 3rd to reach in our whole gang. me nd xinlin got 1st nd 2nd.
in our gang laa. xD not the whole damn thing. it would be a dream come true though.
today was really fun. worth it i should say. im freaking tired though.

cause later on i went to the gym. recently joined celebrity fitness. haha. its kinda cool.
seriously. its fun. my trainer, Khalid is seriously freindly nd i kinda like everyone there.
everyone's freindly =] i enjoy my time there. haha. oh guys. im 47kg now. tee-hee~

though ive been going through a lot of happy nd good times,
there are times that are just frustrating =[
but mann, i cant rmb them all. but i know who la.
you guys have stopped talking to me and you say its my fault?
please guys, wake up. stop being naive. i love you guys still.
thats why i care for you, thats why i even bother scoldin u.
i have my reasons. i have my ways. please understand?

oh yes. to the people that deserve this,

thanks for being with me through thick and thin.
thanks for listening to my complaints and all.
thanks for being patient with me.
thanks for the chances again and again.
thanks for forgiving me.
thanks for always supporting me.
thanks for helping me with my decisions.
thanks for not being fake and being truthful instead.
thanks for reading this.

i might not be the perfect sister, the perfect best friend or the perfect girl.
but i'll try my best? haha.

dont worry, you have it to yourself.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


people. if you still havent gotten the news,
my phone got confiscated
do not message okay?

thanks a lots

now i can concentrate xD
though i kinda misss you

Sunday, August 9, 2009

i gotta say

i think you're cute
okay sorry guys for the half blog post
something happened. haha. too lazy to type it out.
but anyway, been hanging out at gurney for two days.
freaking tired these days. ugh
nd the models who won the comp, they didnt deserve it
bla. bitches

currently just living life day by day
i dont really care what happens anymore
im just doing what i can
something's wrong again.
back to the emo side?

my freaking awesome bocg friends

are you really?

Friday, August 7, 2009

August 7th

went to school like usual. its been raining much. realised it? suits the mood i guess. lol.
uhh.. today was little out of ordinary xD it was fun no doubt the whole damn day- until i came home but thats common no?
had a sejarah quiz this morning. was screaming answers to each other in class. haha.
then it was when science quiz that it happened. Sze Huei started having gastric pains.
after that, i realised i felt some kind of pain too.
wasnt that serious laa until later on. hurt like hell. but still went for laksa. haha.
took pain killers after laksa then was okayy after like, an hour.

went for photoshoot with Mat, Sinister, Tara, Steven, Alvin and Eric.
shall post pictures if possible. lol



Sunday, August 2, 2009

baby you're mine

finally i found the blogskin that i finally can look for a long time without feeling bored or something.
i ♥ this blogskin. tee-hee~
i know i said i dont like pink.
i still do. haha. but i dont know why, i like this one.
weird huh?
if you're thinkin im in love, think again. haha

thanks to nikoru for the help ytd night. xD
i owe you a drink~

calvin, thanks again for this awesome bag

you're so friggin cute :P

bon bon

everybody in this pic. i love ya'll long time.
i'll cherish this picture till the end of time.
Teddy, Tash, Zeon, Merrisa, Zack, Mat, Kyla, Sasuke and Steven

you're spoiling it.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

i got my bag

if you've been reading the past posts, you'll come across one where i went out with the BOCG people.
and i said i wanted a specific handbag. yes you heard me right. a handbag! from Roxy.
and i got it today! =P
took some time but yeahh, thanks calvin!
he's my awesome godbro. xD
he couldnt stand me going on and on about it and he bought it
haha. many thanks to him =D

too happy about the bag to care about any shiz