hello stranger x)

welcome to a world where craziness and weirdness fit right in.
they're in perfect harmony.
a warning to readers though,
"you! yes you, do NOT own the world.
I DO!!!
i own HALF of it. you only own 1/8 of it.

BTW stranger

Don't judge a book by its cover. Ever.
A lil' piece of advice from me to you.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

De Lire

I'll make it simple.
De Lire

ps: i did this myself x)
i've got the most hardworking crew xD

the three best friends.
7 years and 10 years of friendship.
still going strong =)

as time came to pass,
i realised i came to where i am now
was all because of you all.
my failures, my faults were lessons to me.
you've all brought me to where i am.
you guys have taught me much
and in return,
our friendships with each other last longer than ever.
it will stay stronger than ever.
there are a million things i would say
but words wouldnt be able to give it the justice
you guys deserve.
as for the new friends ive just made,
im sorry if ive offended you guys in the past.
i hope that in the future
we'll all be one big happy family.
with stories to tell our grandkids.
of our joy, sadness, friendships and success.
we'll be awesome grandmothers then!
i love you guys.
happy chinese new years
Virginity day!

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