hello stranger x)

welcome to a world where craziness and weirdness fit right in.
they're in perfect harmony.
a warning to readers though,
"you! yes you, do NOT own the world.
I DO!!!
i own HALF of it. you only own 1/8 of it.

BTW stranger

Don't judge a book by its cover. Ever.
A lil' piece of advice from me to you.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

before, present, after.

before taking results 8D

yours truly with mama1! :D
check out me and my mama2!
aint my hubby sexyy? hahahah.

after taking results 8D
this is what we looked like after getting results! haha. cried like shit mann.
*forced smile* got 6 ducking As. well, i expected 7 but heck, =)

smart ass-es. meet my besties: Kuro-chan and Nicole :)

after results, me and Nicole plus XinLin went to Gurney to hang out. and we bought some stuff. we bought gifts for each other and went crazy. We watched Princess and the Frog which was just awesome!
memang besties. xDD

later joined my sisters for dinner. It was Taryn's day anyway.
Happy Birthday!
Taryn and yours truly.
Happy Birthday girl!♥
the T sisters :) happy moments♥

had to go to church after this but we came back and started ripping presents!

meet the idiots. haha. we are, The Cheesers!♥
Michael got us all the same necklaces!Deja Vu album by Calvin.♥
gift from Kevin. in exchange for cookies :P original converse! ♥
Teressa and Taryn got me this pair of heels ♥ its a 4-inch heels. haha
and, i got myself this pair. ♥
The Cheesers group necklace xDD

Christmas morning remains picture-less. Gome!

i spent my Christmas night reminiscing. if thats how you spell it. kinda msg-ed a few very important people which i have been taking care of very well. you know who you are laa. im sorry and thanks for being my friends. even though im such a bitch at most times. thank you for remaining by my side. you guys are such darlings! ♥ you guys to bits!

anyway,this is from today morning! check out Banana Boys!♥

Banana boys! i wanted one T__T 60 bucks for one D=

I met up with Lyn. we kinda made up =) i missed her. haha. hoping this time, we'll really remain as best friends! love you sayangs!♥
*all smiles*♥
kissies wishies
some things never change =)
banana boy and yours truly :)
delicious banana split
cute bananas! i wanted one! =(
poser in Park Royal. :P

comments comments comments! gotta love them ♥

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

a day before results

You're making me unsure.
Don't mess with the wrong fire. =)


Sunday, December 20, 2009

back from camp!

whats up my readers?!
i am back from campS!
it all started on the 17th of december.
the first camp? was Equator's hooks and spooks!
went there feeling very excited. i wear black.
everyone else wear white =___=
Michelle, Tze, Nicole and Tara were part of the participants.
i was in the witch's group. i'll show you my artwork from there some other day laa :D
thanks to Matrika for helping me sign up last minute. totally worth it!
also, thanks to Zeon, Steven, Teddy, Alvin and who? .__.
everyone else who tried to scare the shit outta me but failed. HAHAHAHA.

after the camp. i had to get ready for my next camp.
it was a leadership camp thingeh. its a 3 day, 3 night thing. awesome no?
arrived there at 9pm. totally kinda relunctant to go.
BUT... i changed my opinion. totally seriously after the first night.
the first day, was awesome! :D
second day even better~
haha. the games were all very interesting. they made us walk around the whole of greenlane. xDD
although at first i didnt really know anyone but hey, that all changed. xDD
this year's groups were divided into teams under horoscopes.
and i was under "Cancer" my team had 8 people and i was the leader :D
so yeahh well, my team big boss was Ken and my members were Alien, Jess, Cindy, Jackelyn, Alice, Gay Zai and Zhu Ge Liang. xD nicknames for all!
it took some time remembering everyone's names.
but in the end, i could only remember about less than fifteen people out of 180 people from camp
most of them knew me as Laksa. haha. it was really damn fun.
Nicole and Xin Lin and Lay Kim also camp for the camp!
but when Lay Kim went home, only Xin Lin came. lol.
second night, we couldnt really sleep so we started gossiping xDD
Lay Kim, yours truly, Nicole and Angel(one of our new crazy friends)
gossiped about love lives and all. who was hawt and all. the usual stuff laaa. xDD
then we fell asleep. LOL. cause we were all kinda tired.
i almost couldnt wake up the next day mann. gai right?
also, we had a team performances thingeh.
my team did comedy xDD a very nice one indeed.

then we had to go for this class the next morning. owh wait! we had an-almost-same-class the night before at the camp too. but anyway, after this one, we had to prepare for some stuff!
we had to prepare for the performance tonight.
a performance that was to be organized by us kids!
so we got divided into new groups. the performance that night was going to be attended by Dr. Koh Tsu Koon. if thats the correct spelling XD
wanted to be part of the AJK but like, no interest that much like before..
and so, i was thrown into the dancing group! damn chun weii xDD
we had to learn to dance 2 and a half song in 4 hours.
also, we had to create our own dance moves!!
my team had 16 people but this guy didnt want to dance so we left him out.
and then we had 14 cause we needed partners for the first dance.
my partner? was a cute 16 year old guy. haha. his name's chong keat. and he can dance. Lol.
it was kinda hard at first but we managed to pull through the whole rehearsal.
came up with the moves and voila!
we didnt even have a proper practice with the others.
and when it came to us to dance during the thing, we were all DAMN PRO XD
i damn loved the dancing weii. >< style="color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">it was a major success! the dancing and the whole thing which was actually done by us kids!
give a round of applause to us guys! haha
and then we had an award session for the campers, school and stuff and so on.
although my school didnt win anything laa,
i won stuff :D
i won best female leader and best camper sorta thing XD
it was damn awesome weii the feeling.
i really really love the camp!
i realised this is my longest post in a long while but anyway,
after the VIPs went back, we had a cake cutting session.
that was when us kids mia job as the organisers ended!
haha. the president for the thing had to cut the cake and he kena damn gai laa XD
after that, us leaders had to stay back to clean the place up
we of course, went crazy then laa since everyone else went down to start the campfire.
the campfire was a blast!
we were all dancing and jumping.
we all went high and well, the results? we all couldnt sleep XD
most of us went around walking the school like i did with a bunch of other people.
was kinda afraid since the purpose was ghost hunting. lol.
xDD of course, it didnt work out.
XinLin and Nicole went back up to sleep but i couldnt D=
so i went downstairs to walk around.
played some games with some of the guys there.
damn siao la. i owe them 2 rounds of running the courtyard =(
my feet hurt the next day so i could do it. sorrry!
went around with the guys from chung ling butterworth and then talked with zhiwen.
he pun another siao mia ta por xDD
after that, went up and then talked with my room-mates about.. us. XD
damn lame and perasaan laa.
i had to sleep without a sleeping bag. damn cold the next day ._.

the next morning?
we had to gather at the hall. and the organisers called us to dance.
our songs were 2 oldies and one korean song, Sorry Sorry!
us as in the performers from last night's dance.
which was my team!
we rocked the house. XD it gave me a chance to dance with cute boy again anyway. :P
too bad he's already taken though. haha.
after that, the other teams who performed dances during team night had to dance again. xD
we had breakfast after all this madness.
and then, it was WATERMANIA!
every station had to play with water mia.
i damn kena gai gai weii.
by all those committee people cause well, im kinda famous there. xDD
hehe. yesh im perasaan. Lool.
i had to go back at 1.30. goodbyes were so sad =(
i finished my errand early and went back to camp.
from greenlane to tanjung bungah and back to greenlane.
cause well, i wanted to be at the ending!
everyone was like damn shocked XD
we all exchanged numbers and all.
and then we went to the auditorium to watch picture slideshows and videos.
almost cried :( but couldnt at the same time.
the whole thing ended at about 4pm.
people started going home.
and i managed to only take a picture with some..
the pictures shall tell!

this is Jarell. the camera meanie :P suka bully me too mia. aint he cute? hahathis is Chan Wei. one of the Team Leaders. so blur right? XD
this is my sexy friend, Jin Sheng. it seems that he's my senior from primary! haha

then this is one of the Team Leaders and also the president for the 3rd night camp thing xD, ZhiWen
aint he cute? haha. he's my dance partner. pretty boy, Chong Keat

so yeahh, everybody was really really friendly! and the
guys well, most of them had fun bullying me laa =___= XD but it was all very siao. haha. love you guys all so much!
girls, you babes are so crazy and funny. glad i made friends with all of you.

more of the pictures are with the others!

you're a poison apple.

Monday, December 14, 2009

the mood

you say I Love You,
I say Fuck You.

fucking pissed off at the world. Lol.