realised it much?
lets see.. countdown is probably..
25 days from where I'm standing.
so far, I think I'm getting what I want so far ^^
So. My Christmas List this year? Superbly Simple :D
1. Two New Music Stands.
(One See-Through and One Sleek Black Portable One)
2. A New Violin Bow
4. SS501's Mini Album- Find
5. SS501'S All My Love Album
6. SS501's S.T 01 Now Album
7. SS501's U R Man Album
8. D Gray Man full chapters (Anime)
(you know like the ones from Shaman King? that kind :D)
0. ?
The Last One's a Secret. haha.
So Alicia got me my Solo Collection Album.
i love her for that.
and of course, a whole lot more of reasons :)
so, the pictures shall tell.

i love all of them owh-so-much. but more to Jung Min and Hyung Joon :D
ps: grace lim is getting me my Rebirth Limited Edition Album *screams thank you!*
pps: do leave a cbox msg to update me! thanks :D
who are you again?