hello stranger x)

welcome to a world where craziness and weirdness fit right in.
they're in perfect harmony.
a warning to readers though,
"you! yes you, do NOT own the world.
I DO!!!
i own HALF of it. you only own 1/8 of it.

BTW stranger

Don't judge a book by its cover. Ever.
A lil' piece of advice from me to you.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

the chicken kid

its a chicken's head birthday!
a very happy birthday to
Kevin Neoh Wei Shen
the idiot who ive known for 3 years or so
you're a tall tall idiot nd we know it
may you have an awesome birthday
nd enjoy being older than me
good lucks in life, in love and in happiness.

loads of love,
you're full of crap you know that?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

horrible just-wake-up moods

everytime when someone wakes me up when they're not suppose to
i get into a horrible mood and starts screamin at the person
on why i even have to wake up ==
whats worse is when you wake me up to do some shit you can do yourself
i can really go ballastic or however you spell it
i think this mood thing runs in the familyy
all my sisters nd mum have it
thats why we stay away from each other
when either of us are forced to wake up
whats worse is when Rexy makes so much noisee
gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ im going nuts
i try so hard to studehhh but i need peace nd quiet
Lol. but seriously, i do. xD
or else ill get distracted nd blame that something on why i cant study
back to the point.
im not always in a bad mood when i wake up
if i have a planned wake up nd i wake up, i feel awesome =D
if i sleep in nd had a grreat sleep, i feel awesome =D
if i wake up nd there are some random messages on my phone, i feel awesome =D
im gonna feel awesomer on the day i wake up nd find out im 15
i hope 8D

let the music flow

Saturday, July 25, 2009

a friggin talk that didnt matter. LOL

went for a friggin chinese essay talk thing but it turned out to be a novel thing mann
we were at the wrong place with the wrong people about the wrong subject
so damn stups mann. xD we got there at 8-ish.
Brenda, Tash, Nikoru nd Xinlin
it was so friggin colds. haha.
went for a science quiz with the people.
100 Questions nd one hour to finish it.
we had 0.6 seconds for each question!
haha xD
went back for the talk after that
owh wells, didnt pay attention at the talk
was either talkin, readin story books or vaining.

i hearts this pic. lol.
lazy upload. xD go see Nikoru's blog!

nd so forth, i shall be a lala. XD

Friday, July 24, 2009

i will fly

for those who dont know, ive always been a fan for butterflies.
i have no idea why. they're pretty just like sunrise and sunset.
its true you know when they say
pretty things are often dangerous
and i agree


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

act like the world revolves around you
pretend you're so funny and innocent
when you're obviously not and newsflash,
you ain't young no more.
always treating me nice in front of everyone
but when everyone's gone
you don't even bother or even
acknowledge my existence.
telling me i'm always in the wrong
that i was always full of nonsense
always saying this when we're alone
aren't you tired?
people say we're close but we know
we know it's not true yet we just smile
and continue the act of us as being "close"
sometimes i wonder if it's even real.
you make me go round and round
assuming this is all real
i just realised it's a merry-go-round
with no one on it except me.
it was all a game to you
it was all a lie to me
to you to me its the same no?
in our hearts, we hate each other.

always trying to act cute in front of everyone
always trying so hard to fit in by doing stupid things
always making such a scene out of everything
always giving us stupid faces and words to respond to.
did you know?
the more you do these things,
the more we're annoyed with you,
the more we're gonna ignore you and your childishness.
isn't it time to grow up?
or have you not realised it yet?
are you blinded by your own foolishness?
i would be glad to slap you to wake you up.
we don't ignore on purpose,
but everything and everyone has a limit
you're just reaching it
which is just ridiculous.
we've been telling you countless times
wake up and see the real world
stop living in your own foolish dreams
now will you continue to dream?
or live in the real world now?


shut up and listen to others talking for a second.
Listen to yourself and stop making bogus excuses
Stop asking for attention which only causes
more stares at you from us.

are you really gonna be there for me when i need you?
you ran away as soon as you knew about it
is that what you call a friend?
is that what you meant when you said through thick and thin?
my faith and trust in you weakens each second.

i have been studying much.
the info might be going into the brain bit by bit.
the left arm is kinda useless suddenly.
the classes have been fun these days.
the love? maybe not be working out right.
i wonder why. lol.

what's better to have hope? only to snatch it away.

Friday, July 17, 2009


owh no. im not talkin about the political situation in Malaysia. thats unchangable.
whats the hate now is that my chess club is super political now.
because of one girl,
everyone's mind has been brainwashed.
my name blackened which is unfair really.
i scream for justice!

this weeks been weird nd emotional.
loads of things.
lazys to tell or type
its just been fucked up in a nice way nd not.

has been born

imma make an appearance.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

2nd readin

i had to do the 2nd readin for mass today. to subsitute Felicia Wong ==
but i have no regrets! lol. except that i read too fast, everything was cool.
i got to meet Ryan who was my partner. he read the 1st readin.
he has a really sexayy voice. LOL. no kidding.
then there was Matt sitting somewhere near nd givin me encouragements,
Kevin also who gave me some lessons on the reading.
haha. thanks guys!

umm. thanks also to the awesome rain!
yes i love you rain. haha
even though i hate the lightnings ==

went to the times square youth event.
did you guys go? going tmr again at 4.
it was really awesome!
won a whole lotta stuff.
joined the eating comp nd bull riding nd so on laa.
everything we joined, everything pun win.
we: tash, taryn, teressa nd calvin.
we're joining the treasure hunt tomorrow.

owh well, off to read mangas nd watch videos.
nd i agree with everyone who loves dekirumon.
he ish awesome!

cant you be more original?

Thursday, July 9, 2009


just a lil update guys =]

today we had gotong-royong which means like cleaning around the school!
it was fun! trust me.
haha. i was part of it :P
as the class monitor, i had to stay in the class and help. All AJKs were asked to clean their own classrooms while the students could go nd help out with their specific uniform places.
so who were the AJKs of my class? xD

Tash, Nikoru, Brenda, JiaYue, WenHuey, Kuro-chan, Joanne.
also, XinLin, SzeHuei, Felicia and some random classmates popped up to help.
thanks to all of you!

i would love to put pictures but i dont have any =[
this is what happened. xD

swept the floor>cleaned the board>wipe the windows>clean the fans>move the tables>mop the floor

sounds easy? NOT!!
but we really had fun la deii. how to tell? ish ish.
you gotta be there to experience it.

XinLin followed me home and met Daniel nd Enzio at my place.
pictures of Enzio's tattoo should be uploaded by XinLin soon i hope. xD
damn artsy i tells you people. LOL.

went for badminton with XinLin nd met Chun Neng and beady eyes.

fyi people!
i can use both hands to do stuff like write, eat and so on! xD i love it when you people find it amazing! haha

couldnt be bothered

Sunday, July 5, 2009

about the new layout

im still thinkin how to function it. lol


a bouquet of flowers?

so i came online just to post this up.
see that bouquet of flowers?
my classmates gave one to me nd Nikoru
as a token of appreciation for our hardwork,
as monitors.
lol. thanks guys =]

dear classmates of mine, thanks for the flowers! =]

you need to fall before you learn how to stand.